Wow! Is all I could say about this movie. Well... maybe not, the move was definitely a must see and with your significant other at that! Now if you liked The Butterfly Effect & The Lake House (definite chick flick) you will absolutely have to add this to your collection and time traveling movies.
In my opinion this topped The Butterfly Effect and is beating The Lake House by a finger nail! Not to mention eye candy (Eric Bana) shhhh... don't tell my husband, lol, is also starring in this movie. Now you do have to pay attention carefully, no matter how loud the stranger sitting next to you is chewing their popcorn in your ear. But, yeah, get everything you need before you sit down, because you don't want to miss a thing!!!
Okay now that my siskel & Roeper moment is over.....
I have other news, I have a person trainer now, yay me!!! Okay, maybe a little too excited right? Well, I joined the Navy at about 145, which was good for me at the time, I am 5' 7 so you see why I say that. Well, almost 12 years of marriage, two kids, 100 and so odd trips to any fast foodd chain you think of later, I have dropped and gained weight more than Oprah!
So, last week, I have told my self no more! I started going to the Gym, every other day faithfully and on off days I would go to this place we have here called Mt Trashmoore to walk (Fast Pace). So I have dropped five pounds so far. I am going to post my full body pic monday and will continue to do so in the same outfit (It will be clean, lol). This will be also to keep me motivated, can't post my pic here for the world to see me moving backwards, lol!
I hope that this will inspire others if they are having weight issues either with gaining or losing.
Alright, I will finally update my scrappy part of me tomorrow with some new projects that I have been working on. I also have been contemplating on putting a challenge or two on here, (sketch of course) Sooo.... if you are interested in me doing that, please shoot me an email over at and give me your opinion, followers and lurkers welcomed the same!
Happy Labor Day Weekend and Happy Scrapping~